Testing 2024-2025

Important Testing Dates:
- Testing School Year 2024-2025
- January 2025 Regents Exams
- June 2025 Regents Exams
- 2025 AP Exam Schedule
Marking Periods 2024-2025
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Throughout the course of the school year various exams such as Midterms, Finals, Regents, AP, PSAT, and SAT exams will be administered as a means of conducting necessary summative assessments. There are many students who have expressed concerns about these exams. Here are some tests taking tips to help address the worry associated with test taking. Please review this with your child. When you practice coping skills prior to the test, it helps to improve focus and esteem.
Stress and worry can be harmful! They cause physical and emotional problems that may be negative to both your health and your performance at school. Furthermore, stress grows! Excessive worry is a major element in the vicious cycle of tension. The physical sensations of stress, tense muscles, headaches and problems sleeping may lead to stress-building thoughts, which in turn aggravate unpleasant physical feelings and perpetuate the tension cycle. Soon, just the thought of preparing an assignment or dealing with someone we don't like starts the cycle of tension with all the symptoms of stress, along with an overwhelming wish to avoid everything and stay in our bed.
It is important to recognize stress. The following are suggestions that some students have used to help with stress at school, home, and the community. It is so important that you and your families have open communication. If your child is struggling with stress and anxiety, 1888 NYC WELL can provide you with a referral for your child so they can receive support services. Please note that our UCS Social Worker, Ms. Jessica Smith is available to discuss effective strategies with your student.
Twenty ways to manage stress
1. Work off stress- exercise.
2. Talk to someone you trust.
3. Learn to accept what you cannot change.
4. Avoid self-medication.
5. Get enough sleep to recharge your batteries.
6. Spend less time on your phone and social media and more time preparing.
7. Do something for others.
8. Take one thing at a time.
9. Agree with somebody.
10. Manage your time better.
11. Plan ahead.
12. If you are ill, don't try and carry on as if you're not.
13. Develop a hobby.
14. The answer lies with you.
15. Eat sensibly.
16. Don't put off relaxing.
17. Don't be afraid to say no.
18. Know when you are tired and do something about it.
19. Don’t be overly responsible; ask for help when you need it.
20. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect.